Centre de pédiatrie du Val-Ste-Croix
Welcome to the multidisciplinary center for children's medicine, from newborns to adolescents.
Appointments can be made in consultation or by phone.
Medical team
Dr Sigurlaug Agustsson
Pediatrician and pulmonologist for children
+352 44 80 80Dr Serge Allard
Pediatrician and pulmonologist for children
+352 44 91 92Dr Valérie Collignon
+352 28 26 11 24Dr Anne Decocq
+352 26 25 87 24Dr Marianne Goergen
+352 45 77 96Dr Nathalie Marx
+352 44 70 50Dr Guy Molitor
Pediatrician and gastroenterologist for children
+352 44 80 70Paramedical team
Mme Charlotte Laming
Child - adolescent neuropsychologist
charlotte.laming@gmail.comMme Emmanuella Mollet
Pediatric dietician
+352 621 426 417Mme Lis Alberty
+352 691 585 045 (Kine appointments only)M. Florent Collard
+352 691 329 111 (Kine appointments only)Mme Rosita Wirtz-Pauly
+352 691 995 273 (Kine appointments only)Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday 8:00 to 18:00
- Saturday 8:00 to 11:00 (by appointment and only for emergencies)
- Secretariat: 8:00 - 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:30
- Saturday 8:00 to 11:00 (by appointment and only for emergencies)
- Secretariat: 8:00 - 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:30
Child Development
Pulmonology consultation with functional respiratory tests
Child psychiatry consultation
Dietetic consultation
Gastroenterology consultation with functional explorations
(digestive endoscopy, pH measurement, anorectal manometry)
Neuropsychological consultations/assessments
Pediatric physiotherapy sessions
Practical information
Make an appointment
Appointments can only be made by phone or at the secretary's office. No appointments by e-mail.